See more about Shpresa AL Computer

This company is officially integrated into the Albanian IT market offering competitive products and services for the country.

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Sea Food
Cheese Cake
Come and have a great time at our Restaurant...

In our restaurant you can enjoy various dishes prepared specifically for you by our Chef and his team.

More about Shpresa AL Transport

“Shpresa-Al” has been operating in the transportation business since 2002, providing passenger transportation both within and outside the country.

Autobuzi i ri linja Kamez
Autobuzi Firzamonik
Foto Galeri linja Kamez
Pamje nga autobuzi i ri
Gure i imet
More about Shpresa Al Aggregates

It has the tools and manpower to distribute aggregates in terms of quantity, timing, and place.

Verification and testing of modified vehicles

SHPRESA AL is an entity authorized by the Ministry of Transport, to test road vehicles with changes in structural or functional characteristics.

Gjate nje kontrolli teknik
Godina e kontrollit teknik
Ambientet e kontrollit teknik
Pamje nga lart e godines
Shpresa AL Hydropower Plant

The Arsti hydropower plant will use the waters of the Arsti stream (previously known as “Meziu” ), which then flows into Lake Fierza.

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Aparaturat e brendshme